Hassle Free

Get the support you need without the hassle! Expert advice and services at an affordable rate. NerdTechs has you covered from PC and device support, a business website and website hosting.

Tech is Hard, Hire A Nerd

NerdTech's has the experience and expertise to resolve your issue fast. Slow PC's, mobile devices, hardware upgrades, data backup and migration and more!
Experience with:

We Specialize in high Quality web design

Get an incredible website built specially for your business. No cookie cutters here! Our designs are unique to you and your business. Need something basic and informative? We can do that! Looking for something more functional and integrated? We can do that too! Pair your new website with NerdTechs Hosting to generate 1.21 gigawatts!


Having a great website design is only part of the equation. Your site also needs to be user friendly. We're pros are UX/UI.
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How your website functions plays a major role in the UX of your site. We can implement a wide range of functionality to fit you business!
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Fast & Secure

Nothing will kill the UX faster than a slow and unsecure website. We offer high speed hosting with a variety of security features.
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A website is never truly finished. NerdTechs offers various mantenance packages to keep your website up to date!
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Having backups is absolutely imperitive. Nerdtechs offers backups for the last 10 days on all sites hosted with us.
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Staging Site

We offer staging sites as well. These are identical clones of your site used for testing new features and updates
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Lighting Fast Hosting

A fast website is crucial to your business. NerdTechs Hosting is lighting fast. Don't lose a customer to a slow website. With NerdTechs Hosting we manage it all for you so you can stay focused on your business. It's like having a nerd do your homework for you...

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Customer Opinion

Thanks to Breakdance I can charge more and work less.

Anita Naylor
Web Designer

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